Critically Connected (CriCon) : A regional platform for historically-informed (tele)communications networks policy and user empowerment

The ultimate goal of the project is to produce a digital platform which will serve as a historically-informed policy making and citizen engagement tool in critical techno-political episodes concerning the telecommunications networks in three particular states: Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. The proposed platform will be produced in order to historically reconstruct episodes that have been critical in the co-production of governance and telecommunications networks in each country during the period 1950-2017. These will reveal accounts of states’ re-production and re-organisation in three clusters of telecommunications network issues of Network operability, standardisation and stabilisation; Social Inclusion/Exclusion and Network development issues.
The digital platform will employ novel technologies, from event-based data modelling, data management and data visualisation domains, to provide an intuitive and semantically rich presentation of these episodes with advanced functions for interactive storytelling across these countries. The project introduces the analytical concept of Critical Episodes (CE) as a tool in the policy-making analysis which the platform aspires to contribute. The episodes will contribute to our understanding of lock-ins and path-dependencies in the telecommunications regime; function both as historical analogues to inform contemporary policy analysis, and as tools for the information and the engagement of citizen users who will understand the past as an important dynamic in configuring the telecommunication industries.